Cat# Artist: Title: MX Xref: Loc: Date: Composer:
1001-A Artie Wayne and the VELVETONES Sleepy Baby BT-122-T5 Harold Spina
1001-B Artie Wayne and the VELVETONES Did I Remember BT-121-4 Adamson; Donaldson
1002-A Artie Wayne; the Crewchiefs & Andy Phillips Orchestra Mozel HU-1002-A 03/1947 A. Wayne; J. Beekman
1002-B Artie Wayne; the Crewchiefs & Andy Phillips Orchestra It’s Way Past My Bedtime HU-1002-B 03/1947 E. Heyman; J. Spina
1005-8 Lillian Lane and Andy Phillips‘ Quintette What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For H8 J. McCarthy; H. Johnson;
J. Monaco
1005-11 Lillian Lane and Andy Phillips‘ Quintette I Feel So Smoochie H11 Phil Moore
1009 02/1949